Carine Research

Developing insight

Aug. 1st | Posted by 0 comments

August 2007

Specialists are driven by many things – they want to build their reputation, grow their client base, develop their expertise, work on interesting projects, and be rewarded.

Those specialists with insight that goes beyond the technical issues that affect their clients, and includes an understanding of the strategic developments within their key markets stand a greater chance of achieving their goals.

If part of your role is to help your colleagues or clients to develop their insight, here are some ways to help to keep them abreast of information that matters to them:

  • Get to know their key drivers or personal objectives, including their areas of practice they are seeking to grow, the client relationships they are trying to build, and projects they are working on.
  • Ensure they are kept abreast of key technical information that affects their areas of advice or specialisation.
  • Keep them informed on issues that are affecting their clients and the industries they specialise in, including press coverage, networking events, conferences and seminars, changes of key personnel.
  • Help them to identify new information sources, such as new blog sources that may be relevant to their business.
  • Introduce them, or have systems in place to help them to make contact to other people within their organisation or industry that can assist them.
  • Simplify the processes and steps required for your specialists to find relevant information from within your organisation.
  • Promote the success of your specialists – their publications, speaking engagements, successful projects.
  • Stay in touch with them as their requirements and interests develop.
  • Let your specialists know what you can do for them to help them develop their insight.


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