Extending the life of a presentation
July 2009
Good presentations take time and effort, so it’s worth the effort to extend the life of the message delivered in your presentation.
There are now a wide range of options to extend the reach of your audience, via online tools such as webinars, pod and video casting. Likewise, there are a number of ways you can extend the life of your presentation by making part of your presentation available online.
Providing helpful post presentation material enhances your reputation as a leading commentator in your field, by making it easier for searchers to find and easily review the key points you were making in your presentation. After all, your post presentation material has the potential to be seen by far more people than are likely to have attended your initial presentation.
Some tips for preparing post presentation material for an online audience include:
- consider the key points you want your audience to remember
- present your key points in an easy to read and review format
- avoid simply providing your PowerPoint slides without any additional content as a substitute for preparing post presentation notes
- if using your PowerPoint slides as the basis for your post presentation notes – enhance the material by providing some additional content, such as a short profile and contact details of the presenter, details of when and where the presentation was given, and a summary of the key points
- provide your post presentation material in a .pdf format
- make your post presentation material available online as soon as possible after your presentation.
Your post presentation material is not meant to be a substitute for attending your presentation, but the material made available online needs to make sense when it is read without the benefit of your commentary. Many presentation slides posted online fail this simple test.
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