Carine Research

Mile High City low down

May. 21st | Posted by 0 comments

Arthur Weiss presents the Pam Wegmann award to Heather Carine. Photo Mark Goldstein.

The Mile High City (aka Denver, CO) was the perfect high altitude location for over one hundred independent information professionals to gather recently for their annual conference.

The Association of Independent Information Professionals’ (AIIP) conference always has a strong focus on collaboration – sharing tips, ideas and lessons learned to help one another to build a thriving independent information professional business.

It was a thrill to be presented with the Pam Wegmann International award at the Conference.  The award was announced in November 2012, but held over to be presented at the AIIP Denver 2013 Conference.

Another highlight of the conference was co-presenting a session with AIIP colleagues, Charlene Burke ( and Ed Vawter ( on tips for building and rebuilding company websites.

Ed and Charlene shared their expertise on using wordpress for web and blog sites and getting the most from search engine optimization.

I rounded out the session with seven simple tips for improving website content:

1. Keep it simple
To attract and hold a reader – keep your site simple, keep your message simple and keep your layout simple.

2. Tell your story
The ‘about us’ page, will be the second most visited page for micro-businesses. Your story needs to sell your credibility in your industry, experience in your field, and ability to deliver.

3. Don’t be mysterious
Even in an online world, it remains important to include details showing where your business is located.

4. Is it time for a makeover?
Is your site looking current & taking advantage of web 2.0 developments? If not, it is time for a website makeover.

5. Easy on the eyes
• Short and sweet sentences & paragraphs.
• Well-spaced text.
• Use dot points & catchy headings.

6. A picture says it all
Great visual imagery is vital to help attract a reader.

7. Keep it fresh
Keep feeding your site with fresh content, to give a boost to your:
• search engine optimisation
• credibility by writing on your field of expertise
• site’s appeal to readers and your business.



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