Your online presence
May 2009
How well does your online presence represent your organisation and your experienced staff?
The first place most people check to get to know your organisation, your reputation or, maybe, who you are connected to is your online presence. Increasingly, you are what you write for an online audience.
Your website remains an important place for online readers to gain an overview of your organisation. Beyond your static website, social networking sites add an extra dynamic to your online presence.
Twitter, the current social networking favourite, is very good if you have a need to keep your ‘followers’ frequently informed with very brief comments about your ideas, announcements or replies to queries. It is certainly proving to be a very interesting choice for media savvy politicians to connect directly to their voters.
Like delivering a good talk, a positive online presence can enhance your reputation, while some dodgy comments can linger for a long time in the online world.
Some key points to consider for improving your online presence include:
- do you have an adequate online presence?
- does your presence reflect your depth of experience and insight that is relevant to readers you are trying to attract?
- is your online presence too blurred between your professional and after hour’s life?
- do you leave an easy trail for online readers to contact you?
Take the time to review your presence from an outsiders’ perspective to see how the online world sees you.
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