Carine Research

A new look at

Apr. 3rd | Posted by 1 comments

April 2012

There has been some renovating going on at

A lot has changed in five years since and Business Research Tips found a digital home on the internet.

At, things may look a little different, but some things will remain the same.

Research Tips is the new name for my monthly newsletter and blog.

It will still be brief and to the point, with practical ideas and tips to help you to find the business information you need, when you need it.

It’s now easier to share my Research Tips online through your choice of social media, and comment on the tips.

The new look was developed by the patient and talented Adelaide based web developer, Sean Killian at

I hope you contine to enjoy Research Tips and check out the new look


1 comment Add a comment

  1. Sean Killian says:

    Thanks for the plug Heather and happy blogging.

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