Carine Research

Research tips for 2012

Dec. 1st | Posted by 0 comments

December 2011

Over the last few years, it has been a pleasure to share some ideas with readers around the world on practical ways to help you with your everyday research.

In 2011 research tips has covered the four basic elements of research that help you to find what you are looking for and connect the dots.

Mastering the basics

This year, there were some tips on mastering the basics & connecting the dots.

A good network of contacts

Like all social networking, Linkedin gets better and better as the population of Linkedin members rapidly expands.

Linkedin has become a very helpful everyday source for staying in touch with developments in industry onversations.

Knowing your information sources

We all know it isn’t all on google, but it’s a vital gateway source. We also know that good content often comes with a price tag.

We also have tried and tested favourites for good reason, although, like good cooks, researchers are always looking to expand their list of favourites.

Mary Ellen Bates’ tip to go to who cares about the information is always a helpful prompt when you are stumped on where to start looking.

Staying up to date

2011 saw incredible change in the uptake on devices that readers prefer to use to read their information.

Matching the device to your reader will continue to be important for researchers. Twitter has become invaluable.

In 2012, these steps will still be important, but the tools will change, the choice of sources will continue to expand and media outlets will continue to tinker with their paywall model.

A good network of contacts will always be vital.  Twitter addiction may be cured!

In 2012, look out for a new look and research tips.


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