Searching for hard to find business information
Nov. 1st | Posted by Heather Carine
There is a lot of business information available, but a quick broad brush approach to finding it often doesn’t uncover the detailed information businesses require.
In business research, you are often looking for more detailed, specific information that will help your research client to gain a better understanding of their potential business partners, customers, or suppliers.
Quite often your research client wants to uncover information that will assist them to know what a company is planning to do in the future, to help your client prepare for buying, selling or dealing with the target company.
Here are a few tips to help you, and your research client, to find some hidden gems of information: Read more...
Let’s hear from our panel
Aug. 1st | Posted by Heather Carine
If a topic is too complex for one person to handle, bring in a panel of experts to tackle the tricky topic.
Panel discussions can be a wonderful opportunity to hear some stimulating, engaging and insightful observations from panellists.
Q & A panels have now taken on a new life, with their fusion of panellists responding to questions from the audience in the room, and from an online audience, coupled with direct comments on the Q&A discussion via twitter. Read more...
Building and growing an independent information professional business – taking the global view
May. 1st | Posted by Heather Carine
Heather recently presented to the Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP) at their 24th Annual Conference in Cleveland, OH.
She shared her experiences on the opportunities, and challenges, arising from operating an IIP business from Australia.
Heather talked about needing world of contacts, making a strong connection and good local knowledge for building a global business. Read more...
Finding competitive business information in six steps
Jun. 1st | Posted by Heather Carine
There are six key steps to keep in mind for finding competitive information for business. The steps bring together elements of the searcher’s professional interest as a specialist in their field, research know-how, knowledge management and networking. Read more...
Finding competitive business information in six steps
Apr. 1st | Posted by Heather Carine
People in business are always looking for information – for current and future projects, to pitch for new work, and to help them to understand the market in which they are operating.
There are six key steps to keep in mind for finding competitive information for business. The steps bring together elements of the searcher’s professional interest as a specialist in their field, research know-how, knowledge management and networking.