Tips for tongue tied and terrified speakers
Sep. 4th | Posted by Heather Carine
If the thought of public speaking fills you with dread – you are not alone. It is said that 85% of people feel nervous before they speak to an audience, and the other 15% are lying!
It’s easier to enjoy speaking to an audience, if you can confidently think that everything will be okay on the day, using these five simple tips. Read more...
Tags: AIIP, Presentation tips, Speaking gig
Handy tips for presenting with confidence
Jun. 1st | Posted by Heather Carine
At the AIIP Conference in Denver, CO, Heather delivered a tips session sharing some handy tips for new and experienced speakers to help them to feel at ease, engage with an audience and enjoy their speaking opportunities. "One of the best parts of the Conference, especially Heather’s public speaking session." Read more...
Tags: AIIP, Mastering the basics, Speaking gig
Mile High City low down
May. 21st | Posted by Heather Carine
The Mile High City (aka Denver, CO) was the perfect high altitude location for over one hundred independent information professionals to gather recently for their annual conference. The Association of Independent Information Professionals’ (AIIP) conference always has a strong focus on collaboration - sharing tips, ideas and lessons learned to help one another to build a thriving independent information professional business.
Tags: AIIP, Business research, Speaking gig, Web 2.0
Is your website working for you?
May. 15th | Posted by Heather Carine
In April, Heather delivered a presentation in Denver, CO with Charlene Burke ( and Ed Vawter ( on tips for building and rebuilding company websites. Very well recieved, audience comments included, "I am redoing my website, first thing! Enough said!" Read more...
Tags: AIIP, Speaking gig, Web 2.0