Carine Research

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Making your case

Sep. 28th | Posted by 0 comments
Making the caseWhen information is everywhere, how do you make your case, and communicate your value as an information professional? Read more...

Making the C.A.S.E. for legal industry information professionals

Jul. 8th | Posted by 0 comments
Bussiness DiscussionInformation professionals looking to fine tune your strategies, evidence and arguments to make the C.A.S.E. for your role in the changing legal industry, this is the workshop for you. In lead up to C.A.S.E. [2014] ALLA 5000, Heather Carine will lead a 90 minute productive workshop, where participants will Collaborate, Advocate, Strategise and Educate. Read more...


Informing the high performing

Jun. 26th | Posted by 0 comments
Business comparison graph_iStock_000005308410SmallHigh performing organisations have been envied and analysed for a long time to work out what makes them rise above the pack. There are assorted lists of characteristics for high performing organisations which get bandied about, depending on which think tank, industry group or consulting firm has been analysing the HPOs, always starting with leadership at the top of the list. Read more...

The business of getting a better question to answer

Apr. 16th | Posted by 0 comments
Photo by Constance ArdIf ever there was a time to hone your skills at getting to the essence of the matter, it is now. With information users overwhelmed with information overload, and needing to sift through too much irrelevant material to find a few nuggets of insight, the ability to drill down to the essence of the matter, is a valuable skill. Read more...

Overloaded & underwhelmed

Feb. 21st | Posted by 2 comments
Business comparison graph_iStock_000005308410SmallIn 2014, professions are focussing on value, according to the recent results of the BRW/Beaton Client Choice Awards. The BRW/Beaton Client Choice Awards are a major review of the perceptions of over 41,000 clients engaging with Australian professional service firms in management consulting, law, accounting and consulting engineering. Within firms, information professionals have the same concerns about how their services are valued by their colleagues. Read more...
