Carine Research

Tag Archives: Research results


Connecting the little dots

Aug. 7th | Posted by 0 comments
Porter's 5 forces:  Designed by Greg EmmerichResearch is all about connecting lots and lots of little dots to find the answer. People in business are often looking for granular information, which isn’t obvious or easy to find, to help to support or challenge their business ideas, strategies, or proposals. Read more...

Effective approaches to research within an academic environment (Sydney)

Nov. 12th | Posted by 0 comments
ResearchHeather presented a half day workshop to Higher Education Officers, as part of their National Higher Education Officers’ Forum held in Sydney, Nov 2010. “Had done her research on higher ed research which made presentation much more valuable.” Read more...

Competitive intelligence research

Oct. 1st | Posted by 0 comments
iStock_000005244732XSmall_globe & newspapersHeather recently ran a workshop in Perth, Western Australia, on researching competitive intelligence. She presented a practical framework for competitive intelligence that assists researchers to focus their research by: Read more...

Business intelligence for librarians (Perth)

Sep. 17th | Posted by 0 comments
Perth City sceneIn Sept 2008, Heather and Kitty Delaney, Ernst & Young, ran a workshop in Perth on business intelligence for librarians, designed for information professionals in law and business. As a satellite event to the Australian Law Librarians' conference in Perth, the workshop attracted information professionals from State Library of WA, Thomson Reuters, BHP Billiton, Woodside Energy, ACCC, RMIT Library and Australian and NZ law firms. Read more...

Presenting research findings

Sep. 1st | Posted by 0 comments
iStock_000005244732XSmall_globe & newspapersA well written research findings summary is an opportunity for library services to go beyond providing an information retrieval service to providing an answer to a research query. The research findings summary is a valuable aid to the research requester, enabling them to quickly and confidently review the research presented to them. The research findings report usually includes the following components: Read more...
